PPMI was entrusted to carry out the Second Independent External Evaluation of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). The evaluation will assess the work of EIGE on the promotion of gender equality and the synergy effects with other stakeholders. It will consider the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the contribution made by EIGE during the period 2015’2020, encompassing the entire scope of EIGE’s strategic priorities, thematic objectives, and operational activities.
The evaluation will take into account the views and specific needs of stakeholders at EU and Member State levels and it will reflect on the current international and EU political, social and economic frameworks concerning gender equality. Ultimately, our evaluation team will assess the extent to which the mission of EIGE to be a centre for knowledge and research on gender equality issues in the EU is fulfilled. The evaluation will thus facilitate the effective operation of this relatively new European institution focusing on gender inequality.
The results of the evaluation are planned to be available in the Autumn of 2022.