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Evaluation study of the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation for an Innovative Europe

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the support to innovation of the EU Research & Innovation Framework programme which feeds into the ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020, due end 2023, and into the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe, due end 2024. The main objective is to evaluate how Horizon 2020/Europe multiannual programmes supported companies in their journey from inventors to innovators. 

The study team applies a dedicated methodology, including a set of case studies and benchmarking exercises, to assess the implementation of the EU Research & Innovation Framework programme in two phases and will provide input for these two evaluations. This back-to back approach, covering under a single study data collection and analysis to inform these two evaluations, should allow for an alignment in evaluation methodologies (including indicators) and for better accounting of longer-term effects of the Framework Programmes. The study shall identify what worked well and less well, lessons to be learned and suggestions for improvement for the short and longer-term of the Framework Programme. The traditional methods are enriched with additional methods such as microeconometric and macroeconometric modelling, patent analysis, Natural language processing and R&I topic modelling, company data analysis, SDG data mapping.